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my american bulldog puppy

19 16:18:18

hi, i just recently saved a 7 week old American bulldog puppy from a couple that was going to have her put to sleep because they couldn't find a home for her and the humane society was full. however when i got her they told me she had a rash from what they believed to be flea bites. she has the rash on her stomache, a little on her back legs, and right above her tail. its very irritating to her and shes constantly trying to scratch at it. ive given her an oatmeal bath to try to help the irritation. is there anything else i can do at home to help this allergy?

Well, you can wash her in Dawn dish water soap... Just a small amount in the bath tub will kill any fleas???
Also, you sure do need to get her into a vet for vaccinations and worming.  Also, a baking soda bath can be helpful..
Good luck with the new puppy!
