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Dominance Agression

19 15:56:03

My family has just welcomed our first dog into our home 8 days ago. He is a rescue boxer, approximately one year old, neutered-male. The first few days that he was here, he was great - fantastic in fact, responding to each command, wagging his tail, etc. As the days go by he is becoming increasingly agressive toward me specifically when I give him a command or correct his behavior. I have been up all night reading various sources on the internet and I believe that what we are dealing with is dominance agression. We will begin basic training classes this Thursday evening and I have seen quite a few techniques that I think may be helpful in helping to control the behavior. However, I still have some outstanding questions. I have been consulting with the rescue group's trainer as well as out adoption counselor and one of the most predominant statements that I am hearing is "don't be afraid of the dog" or "don't show the dog that you are fearful of him". I am finding this to be increasingly difficult (not to mention frustrating) as I AM afraid and fearful when the dog charges toward me at full force, barking and growling simply because I have asked him to come inside. Do you have any advice for not conveying the fear that I have to the dog? Further, I would like to know if this behavioral problem will every really be corrected totally or just controlled? Thank you for any advice that you can provide.

Being a rescue Boxer, leaves unknown answers to his previous life and possible abuse.

There could be "triggers" that cause his reaction and aggression.

The obedience classes are a must for him. You will have to in order to keep him otherwise, he will be a pain.

Secondly, he is establishing his position as the "alpha" and you are not- therefore, he thinks he is the king/boss.

get a fly swatter as a punishing tool, and use it on him to make him behave. His hips and butt and legs but if you can not get to those areas, then swat his head-- not hard but enough to show your dominance.

You must use a firm and stern voice- not an angry voice, not yelling, but simply commanding tone.

Use simple one word, two-word commands, and praise him and love him when he obeys.

Get him in classes ASAP!