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Boxer ran away with leash!!

19 15:49:28

I have an 8 month old male boxer. I was walking him and he was startled by a loud noise. He ran off pulling the leash out of my hand. He's gotten out before but has never run off. Im thinking maybe he kept running b/c the retractable leash was "following him"? I've called all the animal shelters and am worried no one will turn him in. Ever since he's been neutered he barks at strangers who approach him.  I've been driving and calling out his name everywhere.A couple of people said they have seen him around the past couple of days. If he is around where they said they have seen him then he should hear me.  My friends dog who is spayed ran off for 2 weeks and came home on her own. He is a smart dog and could prob. find his way home. Do boxers do this a lot? Are there a lot of boxers who run away and never come back? Do you have any advice on specific type places they tend to go to when they run off. Woods, fields? Please get back to me!!! Thanks Jannie!

No, Boxers do not run away a lot. It is not breed-specific.

But, all dogs will run away if they get loose. Most come back home.

I would suggest if he returns or you find him- and continue to call your shelters twice- three times daily (they can put him down accidentally through a mess up of communication) ... NEVER take him out for walks again-- EVER!

He is young and Boxers are "puppified" almost all their life-- well up to the age of 5 or 6... and he either ws scared and ran, or excited and ran. Boxers are very playful-- however, it sounds as though he is fearful...

Being neutered, it's safe to say it wasn't because he smelled a bitch in heat- but, they still have that instilled instinct whether they can preform or not, which they can't....

I would set up camp daily near the last place he was spotted and call him... I would get a picture and make posters and put them up every where- offer a small reward or favor in return of helping you get him back (maybe babysit their children, or house sit with their pets, etc.)...

There is no specific place a Boxer, or him specifically, would go... He is in a strange environment and probably more scared-- cars, people, noises, dogs, etc.

You need to do everything possible to find him! (Take his favor treats to entice him-- his favorite toy-- his favorite person in the family, you or your spouse, etc.).