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Boxer puppy size

19 15:40:13

Cougar 7 weeks
Cougar 7 weeks  
We have a 15 week old pure breed Boxer, she has always been very small, 5.5 pounds at 7 weeks and just recently 13.1 pounds at 15 weeks. There was a 19 week old pure breed Boxer also at the vets off that weighed 50 pounds. What are your thoughts as to our Boxers size, our vet is not concerned about any health issues, but just keeps saying how tiny she is.

Fifty pounds at 19 weeks?!?

That is what an adult female weighs! That is too much at 19 weeks!

Your pup looks fine, some are small, some are medium, and some are large boned which weight is accordingly. Was she the runt?

What does your vet say about her weight?

I would prefer to see her weigh a pound or two more, but she looks great.

Feed her a high-protein puppy food- good quality, no corn, no glutens.

Feed her 4 times a day and watch how much she eats so you can adjust your feeding quantity to suit her appetite. Don't do the "2 times a day" because she is a growing and active puppy!