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boxer puppy (female)

19 15:49:29

QUESTION: 1. is there a way to find out if our female boxer puppy is full bred? my husband rushed to this decision with a 1st time breeder and now not only us but others are questioning whether she is "full-breed". she was presented & sold to us as such but we still have no papers on her.
2. neither of our boxers (1 puppy, 1 rescued both new @sametime) are as affectionate & loving as our first boxer, Abby. she is no longer with us and missed badly. she was a loving boxer, but my 2 now are not & when i try to love on the puppy she struggles to get away in which i comply to her. she sometimes barks @ us in an aggressive way and seems to prefer the other boxers company over ours and when we show the older one attention comes between us & barks & bites @ us. what do we need to do??

ANSWER: You didn't mention the age of the puppy....

All puppies are easily distracted and playful; they are taught by mama to be "big, bad Boxers" and play aggressively.

Barking is learning to vocalize, as mama taught them to growl and bark.

She likes the older Boxer because it is a "step-parent" and the pup is looking up it her/her for guidance.

To train the pup's behavior, sit on the floor on the pup's level and play with it with toys. Verbally reprimand the pup for biting and barking, and grab its nose when it does, telling him "no."

Gradually work up to picking the puppy up to hold after learning to play.

Tell the pup "love" when you hold him/her.

It's all in the manner of gaining the pup's trust now.

Ask your vet if he or she thinks the pup is full-blood Boxer. I couldn't tell without a picture...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Momma\'s Bailley Girl
Momma's Bailley Girl  
QUESTION: Here is a picture of 4 month old Bailley. I love her no matter if she is full bred or not.

Bailey is gorgeous!

She does appear to be full-blooded by what I can see of her in the picture.

Her eyes, her muzzle (she has the narrow, elongated nose and mouth like my girl-- instead of the shorter, wider nose), her chest, her markings, etc.

I feel confident she is full-blooded Boxer.

If you'd like, you can email me pictures of her, maybe full body pics, so I can see and judge her body structure and all. My email is

She is precious! How old is she? Maybe 5-6 months at most? 4 at youngest!