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Help! Aggressive Female Boxer

19 15:58:01

We have a 2.5 year old female spayed boxer that has recently become aggressive, and downright vicious when we attempt to put her in her kennel or take her outside.  She typically spends her time relaxing on our couch and if she does not come when we call her and we try to get her off the couch she snarls, lunges, and has even tried to bite (not enough to break the skin).  We love her dearly and no this is not typical boxer behavior.  We have two young children, whom she has never snapped at, but obviously they are our primary concern.  My mother moved in with us about two months ago and I am wondering if there is any possible correlation as her aggression has increased dramatically in recent weeks.  Other than that, there have been no other changes in her environment.  Do you have any suggestions as to what we can do to minimize or eliminate her aggression?

Hi Sarah,

First thing to do is take her to the vet and make sure she's healthy.  Drastic behavioral changes can often signify an injury or illness.  Once you eliminate either of these as a cause you can be positive that it's a behavioral issue.

After you have her checked out, please get back to me and I can give you some tips on controlling her aggression from a behavioral standpoint.