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boxer behavior

19 15:40:50

I have a 5 mo old Male Boxer (Appollo) he is doing better with potty training, but have issues with what seems to be "retaliatory urination" (that's my word for it) he will be fine running around the house playing, he likes to runs laps in my living room, and then when we are just trying to be calm, and wind down (after having gone outside already) he will pee and while doing it will be looking directly at me like as if to say "nah nah i peed!". One time he sat down like normal and just started peeing, and then he looked down at it while he was doing it! i was astonished. I am not sure what is going on here, but he is usually kept on a leash inside the house because of it. He goes where i go essentially. he does get his freedom time where he can run and play usually a couple times a day un tethered, but i just don't trust him.
We take him out regularly also, so that is another reason i am not sure what is happening.

Another thing is that he has a tendency to ignore my voice/commands or anyone's for that matter, and he jumps on furniture and jumps up to my counters and table. this is a newer behavior, only the last month or so. He also jumps on me or my kids at times, seemigly being playful but will turn to a biting phase and it seems more agressive.

We do our best to discourage these behaviors, and I am not a person who agrees with hitting or spanking him but it may end up my last resort.

You should take him to your vet to make sure he does not have a bladder/urinary infection causing this. Otherwise...........

....there seems to be a loss of control-- you being the alpha-- not him.

He is young and playful and rebellious.

You must teach him that YOU are the alpha.

To establish this, do this for one month faithfully:

At meal (any eating) time; place his dog food bowl on the table or counter-top with food in it.

Place cookies or crackers on the table behind the dog food bowl.

Sit him before you so he can watch you.

Stand and eat the cookies or crackers without looking at him.

When you are finished eating, place his dog food bowl down in front of him and tell him it is okay to eat now.

In a pack in the wild, the alpha eats first while the pack watches and waits. When the alpha is finished eating, he will allow the pack members to eat what is left-- if any.

This will establish YOU being his alpha and not the other way around.

Buy a whistle. When he does something you do not want him o do-- unacceptable behavior-- blow the whistle and get his attention. Verbally reprimand him for his bad and/or unacceptable behavior then you should give him a "time-out." If you have a kennel that you can put him in for 5 minutes-- do that for "punishment."  Boxers are social and want to be with family- so this is difficult for them and good punishment... he will learn he cannot participate with family when he does whatever he did.

Try giving him a special treat when he does potty outside... and praise him for potting outside... .this will encourage him to do it outside to get a treat. Tell him he is a "good boy." When he does it inside-- blow the whistle and verbally reprimand him- take him outside immediately. He needs to connect outside with peeing.

Let me know how it is working for you in a follow up........