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19 15:50:33


Our puppies
We just bought a boxer puppy 2 months ago to go with our three year old boxer.  He has been doing pretty well with potty training, except he keeps peeing on our son's bed.  We have washed everything, so there is no scent, but he keeps on doing it.  Our three year old never goes in the house.  What could the cause be??
Also, they both have horrible gas.  I am wondering the best dog food??  I have read that I shouldnt use the high end, or the inexpensive.... so where do i get the "middle" food?? Thanks for your help.

Hello Jayme,
Thanks so much for your questions. The cause to the potty problem with your boxer puppy could be a number of things. A vet visit is in order to rule out any underlying medical issue like a bladder infection. Some young boxer dogs can have weak and underdeveloped bladders or when he smells your son's scent he gets excited and can't help himself. The problem probably stems from the young male becoming dominant and marking your son's bed or scent because he really likes your son or claiming him as his own person.Rarely but on occasion some boxers truly gravitate to one person in the family. I recommend spraying the bed mattress with a pet enzyme cleaner to truly get the scent out. I have great results using these types of cleaners and can be purchased online or at pet stores.Nature's Miracle is a good one.
I can't tell from the picture if the boxers are both males but neutering as soon as possible may eradicate your problem. As this has worked previous for other clients and their male dogs. Some males never mark and then you have those that are chronic offenders. If you do have two males then you may be setting yourself up for big problems as two same sex unaltered boxers rarely get along and you are just starting to see problems developing with the younger male. One thing I'd suggest is to start now not letting your boxers on your furniture as this makes the boxer especially dominant dogs more dominant as they feel they are your families equals or the need to be leader of the pack. I know this may be hard to do but in this case I'd advise it. Start now training the sit, stay and come command with your new puppy. Teaching one command a week and practicing several times daily for 5-10 minutes at a time. Make him sit or work for every reward he gets, petting, food, before going outside and attention.Praise him for all the good things he does and limit any punishment at least up to sixteen weeks of age.Punishment usually only exacerbates problems in dogs so I highly recommend not doing it except teaching the "leave it" command. This type of program helps to establish your family ( the humans) as the leaders and lessens dominant behavior in dogs. The whole family should use the same commands and behavior so as not to confuse the puppy and to achieve the desired behavior from your boxer puppy.
I have addressed the food issue and gas issue including recommendations already in another post here on allexperts, so please refer to that question. Or please visit and for more information. Boxer dogs do have sensitive stomachs and shouldn't be fed a number of things which most commercial dog foods have in them. There are lists in the previous mention post and links.I do not advise low end dog foods and I do use a high end food on occasion when I am traveling with my boxers, at home it is mostly planned homecooked meals. You will find the recommended brands in the links.You want to feed as close to a natural canine diet as possible. Thanks again for your questions.Please feel free to contact me again should you need additional help.
Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Boxer Breeder & Exhibitor