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My dogs paw

19 15:41:52


bucks paw
I have a boxer that is a little over a year old. He has developed a large callus
feeling lump right next to his toe nail on his back paw. It has not been there
long because we clip his nails on a regular basis and i just noticed it
yesterday, i can touch it and hold his paw, it doesn't seem to be causing him
any discomfort but my dog is like my baby and I'm worried. I have taken a
picture, if anyone can tell me what this is and what I can do to make it better
please help ... I wouldn't worry as much if it didn't look as if it was putting
pressure on his toenail. Thank you

Hi Ashley,

It appears to be a interdigital furuncle but with boxers its always best to have the vet take a look to rule out cancers on any lump or bumps and to find a definitive answer.To learn more about interdigital furuncles see this site
If it is indeed interdigital furuncles some owners have found relief for their pets from this condition by soaking the feet in a tub of warm water with Epsom salt for five to ten minutes daily and applying triple antibiotic and/or hemorrhoid medication alternating. Again I stress the importance of a vet visit.
Thank you for your question .

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers