Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > 1 year old boxer hasnt been in heat yet. Is something wrong?

1 year old boxer hasnt been in heat yet. Is something wrong?

19 15:41:01

My little Sheeba is almost one year old and hasn't gone into heat yet, to the best of my knowledge there was no obvious blood or swelling. Is she just a late bloomer or is there a problem. I have never owned a boxer before. And I would like to breed her eventually because she is so gorgeous :) so I really hope there is nothing wrong!

Age can vary and is inherited genetics. They can have heats as early as 4 months old, but rare, and as late as 2 years old.

Also, thyroid conditions can cause delay, cessation, and miscarriages.

Have your vet check her for thyroid problems.

Does she shed a lot? Does she eat good but ribs show?

A simple blood test will check thyroid.