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spots on back

19 15:41:54

I have 3 day old boxer pups and some of them have one pimple sized soar on there back that is kind of wet looking. It smelled like puppy poop so i gave the pups a bath.Could this be the cause if mother wasn't cleaning them. Thanks

Hi Greg,

It is most likely Puppy Impetigo also known as Puppy Pyoderma and Juvenile Pustular Dermatitis. Staphylococcus bacteria are usually present and are thought to be a main cause of puppy impetigo.
It is usually treated by applying one of the following: hydrogen peroxide, benzoyl peroxide or chlorhexidine twice daily. If a severe case should start to arise, more than one sore, your vet may prescribe antibiotics given orally or topically. Keep the bedding clean and dry in the whelping box at all times. Also keep a check on the puppies for any dry fecal matter and such and remove it with a warm wet cloth to help keep down infections.It will be very important to not let the puppies get chilled the first few weeks of life,they can pass away easily from chilling, as they can not regulate their body temperature yet.If you notice any other symptoms or sores have your vet check the puppies and mother immediately. Thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers