Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > My boxers ears look too small

My boxers ears look too small

19 15:47:03


we have a great looking 11 week old boxer male.  The one thing I have noticed is that his ears are not as long and floppy as his siblings ears.  Will the eventually grow, or do some boxers have naturally shorter ears than others?  Also, we bought him a doggie bed that we've placed in his crate.  Ever since we bought the bed, he now drags it out of the crate, and sleeps on it while out of the crate.  I'll put back in, then he'll pull it out.  Should I just let him move his bed wherever he wants it?  Please let me know.  I've attached a photo so u can see his ears.

Thank you

ANSWER: Hello Eric, there is no picture attached here.

Yes, let him sleep on his bed pad that he drags out- or buy him a doggie bed for the living room or where ever the family is.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: see attached picture

Since we have been conversing through email- I won't go into it- but as discussed, one parent has another breed in him or her, and this pup genetically came out more that breed than Boxer.

This happens even if a parent is not full-blooded from way back into grandparents or before even, and all of a sudden, a pup displays the other breed mixed in.

He does not have the Boxer profile, squared head, underbite jaw, turned up button nose.