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re/ my boxers lip have gone red

19 15:42:12


iv'e taken her to the vets twice now ,first they give her anti biotic's with no change after a fews she's on steriods to see if that helps, im adding a picture to see what u think

Hi Marty,

It looks likes mites to me. Have the vet do a skin scrapping to confirm if you don't see improvement from the steroids. If you are using plastic food and water bowls replace with stainless steel. Some dogs are or become allergic to plastic. Get new dog bed,etc. I use a product called Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) as a parasitic for my animals, it is given with their water for internal parasites or as a dusting powder topically for fleas etc. check online for it at Revival Animal Health, they can tell you the dosage,etc. Ask the vet about giving your boxer a benedryl for allergic reactions. Let me know what the vet finds, and I may can help more, thanks.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers