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Puppys weight.

19 15:42:25


Champ at 12 weeks.

I wanted some information from a person who knew more about the boxer breed then myself... probably isn't hard to find :).

Anyway my male boxer Champ weighted 8 lbs at 8 weeks old. He is now 12 weeks old and weighed in at 18lbs at his last vet appointment. He is growing quickly and seems completely healthy but still appears way skinnier than any of the other dog breeds I have ever owned. When standing the last 4-5 ribs can be easily seen and it appears his rear hip points protrude although I can feel muscle over the bone. His front shoulders are muscular as is his chest but his ribcage and rear hips appear to lack that same thickness.

Any ideas or suggestions or does everything seem normal. My vet has never voiced any concern in the 3 appointments we have had with him.  I am attaching a picture. I just took this picture minutes before sending the question so it is very current although he is slightly stretched so he is showing even more ribs than normal when standing or sitting.

Any advice would be appreciated even if the advice is that I shouldn't be worried. Thanks in advance.

Tyler D.

Hello Tyler,

He looks good, but I'm with you-- there are visible ribs.

Make sure you feed him a nice high protein puppy food-- no corn, no glutens- no additives. I like Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance:

To find an Online location-- click on the "shop online" in the upper top left.

You can add yogurt to his food a couple times a day-- whole, plain yogurt (no flavors- and generic store brands okay)... he will love it and it will help his digestive tract and add health to his diet, increase his appetite, and more...

You can also treat him with vanilla ice cream-- plain vanilla ice cream-- once a day.

This would be a great time to leash train him, teach him to sit, stay, etc. then treat him with a small bowl of vanilla ice cream.

You can also find (in pet stores) a tube of high calorie additive. They are flavored and they like it. Give him to him as directed to add calories to his diet.

Try these and see in a few weeks. Let me know please.