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Red Bumps

19 15:48:50


Boxer Bumps
I adopted my Boxer in April.  We moved from an apartment downtown to a house with a yard in June.  Sometime after the move I noticed him having increased eye discharge that was a greenish-yellow and thicker and stickier than normal eye discharge, so we went to the vet and he gave me eye drops for seasonal allergies.  We used them a few times but it sort of seemed to spontaneously resolve on its own.  Then he started getting these red bumps that looked like bug bits on his head and under his neck.  Some would scab over and others would go away.  He didn't really seem to notice they were there.  But they weren't going away so we went back to the vet.  Again we were told he had allergies and to give him benadryl.  He doesn't seem to respond to the benadryl and this has gone on for several weeks now.  He now has more bumps and they have spread down his back. He is starting to scratch and lick at them.  He has had several food changes during this time.  From Innova (which didn't seem to cause allergy), to Orijen large breed puppy(which we stopped feeding him because I think he may have been allergic to?), and he is now on Innova large breed puppy (and the bumps have not lessened since we started this food).  He does rub his face on the floor after eating.  Please help!  He is on K9 Advantix for treatment of fleas, ticks, and mosquitos.  Thanks!!!

Hi Kate,

It does seem as though he is suffering from allergies and your vet is giving him the protocol that is normal for this. Benadryl may not clear it up but it will help the itching and I give it to my own boxers whenever they get stung, etc. The main thing is to find out what exactly he is allergic too. There is no quick fix to this problem. First thing I would do is change his feeding and water bowls to elevated stainless steel bowls and wash them thoroughly daily. For food I'd look for a food without the following ingredients beef, dairy products, chicken, wheat, chicken eggs, corn, and soy, you can see a list of holistic foods on my website under articles, boxer food, the following article will be helpful in understanding food allergies I would also opt to give him NuVet vitamins which can be ordered from their website, a link is on our website on the righthand side. Many boxers have cleared up from allergies after being on this supplement for as little as one week to 90 days, each dog being different. The supplement may boost his immune system . Our own boxers love them and think they are treats.

Do you use a swiffer to mop your floors? if so stop and go to something like vinegar and water or clorox and water.Approx. one tablespoon to one gallon of water. If you use carpet fresh, stop. Many times we don't take into consideration these types of cleaning products which can cause our dogs to have allergies. Have you sprayed your yard ? Pesticides could be the culprit. Plants and flowers in your new yard? Any thing new you can think of ? As you can see there could be an array of things contributing to his allergies and finding out what it is could be challenging. I hope this information will be helpful. Thanks so much for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
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