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Hive-like lumps

19 15:46:06

My 6 year old white boxer has 2 reoccurring hives on each side of her rib cage. They randomly swell up and then go away within hours.  About a year ago she had 5 lumps removed.  Three were stage 1 cancer and 3 were benign.  The lumps that were removed did not behave in this way.
Has anyone else experienced this? My vet does not know what it is and doesn't really want to put her under to remove them as we have done this so recently in the past.
Currently i just rub them with vitamin A and give her some vitamin A orally which seems to make the swelling go down quicker.
Thanks for your help.

Hi Chris,

Here are two articles I think you will find interesting and possibly the cause of your boxers hives. Food allergies, parasitic allergies and inhalant allergies are the most common in the boxer breed. I would also recommend a second opinion by another vet who is very familiar with boxers. and
Thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant