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Boxer puppy for my 3 yearos old boy

19 15:39:42

I am looking to get a boxer puppy for my 3 years old boy, Could you give me an advice on how to pick a good temp puppy, i am a first time dog owner but i love this bread and i have been reading a lot about it and my son love boxers as he sees them in the park and play with them...we live in Toronto, Canada so temp is cold in the winter, so please if possible to give me some advice and tips on how to pick the right boxer and house break.

First, this is not a good breed to have in your cold climate. Boxers are extremely sensitive to cold and heat both.

I would not recommend anyone own a Boxer in Canada- period.

Secondly, a puppy is not the correct choice for a "3 year old" child.

Puppies play rough and bite and nibble, etc. and a 3 year old child is too much of a baby to be around a puppy.

Just because he likes them at the dog park, does not mean he is ready to own one.

A puppy of any breed is a huge responsibility and there is no certain full-proof method of knowing the personality and temperament of a puppy.... you can pick the easiest-going, laid-back one of the litter, but if you do not know how to train and socialize the puppy as it grows, you will end up with a misbehaved, temperamental, messed up grown dog with problems for a lifetime.

I cannot teach you how to "house break" in this simple forum; I suggest you research and read expert articles online by breeders and vets and dog trainers before attempting to buy a puppy.

You are not ready for a puppy, let alone, a Boxer in your area.

Re-think your idea of any puppy for a "3 year old" baby.