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Boxer breeding

19 15:40:50

I have a female her name is Taylor I'm thinking about breeding her I'm new at this and so is she! She's funny she's scared of most people mainly men and she play with other dogs but I'm worried she won't let a male mate with her so I was thinking about insemination what's your input on that and how do I go about doing that where do I look!?

Thanks for your time


Hi Jay,

Generally when a female is ready to breed, the hormones take over and she'll be willing to accept the male. Most breeders utilize a reproduction specialist, however, to have on "standby" in case there's an issue with a natural breeding (or if they're using frozen or fresh-chilled semen), and to run progesterone testing to determine their bitch's ovulation date. (Progesterone testing determines the date of ovulation, which tells you not only when to breed but gives you the whelping date. Whelping occurs 63 days after ovulation, plus or minus one day -- contrary to popular belief, breeding date has little to do with whelping date.) A search for "canine reproduction specialist" plus your area or state should give you some leads. You can also ask other breeders for recommendations, and this is often the best way to find a good repro vet.

You mention that she is afraid of most people -- that is very definitely not a part of a correct Boxer temperament, so you'll want to figure out why she acts that way. Sometimes it's simply due to a lack of socialization, but often those kinds of temperament issues are genetic and carry through generation after generation. She has a large influence on her puppies' temperaments, so they may end up afraid of people, too. This is not only a problem for her puppy buyers, but can also be a bite risk and in this day and age of anti-breeder laws, you may be held responsible if one of the puppies does bite someone. One of the Boxer's most appealing traits is their friendly, outgoing personality; people buying a Boxer will expect that temperament in their dog.

Also, check the state, county, and local laws in your area -- more and more places are requiring permits or licensing for even one litter.

There is a list of questions to consider when thinking about breeding a Boxer, along with resources for further information, here:

Good luck!