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9mo. boxer female

19 15:54:33

How early can a boxer start their cycle? I have a 9 month old female who we think started her's on Halloween. Is that possible? I was told she is to young and she has a bladder infection, she's not in heat.

Okay, first: "Who" told you she was too young and had a bladder infection? A friend, neighbor, or a vet?

They are incorrect. Believe it or not, there have been documented cases where a 4 month old has had her first heat.

9 months old is NOT too early. She is close to being a year old anyway, and that is the range 9-13 months old for the average. She is average.

Is she passing blood, dripping drops of blood here and there? Is her vulva swollen and enlarged? If so, she is in her heat cycle.

You need to keep an accurate calendar on her for her heat cycles, as she should have two per year: once every 5-6 months.

If not, then have a vet draw blood and do a thyroid test. Thyroid imbalance will cease normal heat cycles, and even prevent pregnancy, and abort puppies if she becomes pregnant.

If you are not convinced she isn't in heat, then take her to your vet and let him check her out.