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knot on boxers knee

19 15:47:36


I have a male boxer who is almost 8. A couple months ago I noticed a knot on his knee(under skin). Now I noticed the hair missing on the knot like he may be biting at it, so it must bother him. It looks like there may be another one appearing on other knee and maybe one on elbow. Is it joint related? He gets around fine though. He is very active %26 in great shape. Do you know what it could be or if it could be serious?

Hello Alicia,

Very handsome Brindles!

I hate to scare you, but, since he is 8 years old, and Boxers being very prone to cancer, especially a bone-type cancer,
the "bump" could be a sign.

I highly recommend taking him to your vet for proper examination and testing.

If it is painful, and he is biting at it- it needs medical attention.

Of course, it could simply be a sebaceous cyst filled with body oils and fluids, and simply needs lancing to drain it.

Either way, only a vet can help.

Please let me know what the vet said and did in a follow up- and I will keep good thoughts for him as well.

Good luck, dear.