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6 yr. old boxer gaging

19 15:45:47

my 6 yr.old boxer started gaging yesterday morning and sometimes spitting up white flem, the vet said she may have swallowed a bug or something and it may be making her feel sick or may have obstruction but her lungs and breathing were ok, it lessend a little bit but it seemed like she was breathing heavy last night throughout the night, she does eat though i'm wondering if it could be something else there is no cough, just tearing eyes but she has that normally  it seems, he also said she needs a tooth pulled it looks bad could that be causing pain and gaging at all ?

Vomiting a whitish flem is "dry stomach" syndrome that Boxers can get from not eating. Some Boxers eat at night and not during the day.

I suggest trying to add a little something enticing on her dry food. There are flavored "gravies" in a bottle that you can buy in the per food isle of your grocery store, or pet store.

You might add some plain, whole yogurt (no flavors and generic stoe brand okay) to her food.

If she is having teeth problems, she might not be chewing as good as she use to and food is being lodged in her throat.

Try softening her dry with water and then adding the gravy or yogurt.

Do this for a few weeks and tell me if it improved.