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boxer behaviour

19 15:47:12

QUESTION: dear ma m
i have a 7 month old boxer.he s a very lively dog , surprisingly he s very scared of strangers or any unknown person. when ever any guest comes to our house , he s extremely scared and hides behind us, peeping time to time at the guest.
i wanted to know how this behaviour can be changed as people have started calling him a sissy.
kindly help

ANSWER: Hi Vishak,
I would have your quests give him treats after they have entered the house and everyone is sitting down. Do this every time you have visitors until the behavior is changed. Soon he will associate visitors with something pleasant , his favorite treats. Also take the dog out and walk him at least twice a day for 20-30 minutes and socialize him with as many different people and places as possible. You can expect 6-8 weeks to change this behavior if done daily and on a consistent basis.While out walking him take some treats and let other people give him a treat as well. Thank you for your question.
Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi..we take him out for frequent walks more than twice a day.and have been socializing him since he was 2 months old. its not helping. instead of being cautious of strangers he is scared of strangers.

Hi Vishak,
Please continue as I have described with the treats and continue the socialization with as many different people and places as you can , allowing strangers to give him the treats as they meet him.If he is scared of them have them drop the treat near him and not touch him at this time, after the 8 weeks then you may allow strangers to touch him only with your permission and never on top of his head preferably on the side of his shoulders.Ask them not to talk to him or look at him, just drop the treat near him and continue on or have them ignore him. Continue this for 8 weeks and then let me know if his behavior has changed, thank you.Remember every time a stranger comes up to him at home or in the streets ask them to give him a treat ( you carry his favorite treats with you in a plastic bag and give them one to give to the dog, like cooked chicken) , and tell them he is in training, no talking, no touching and no eye contact. This technique can and has built many dogs self confidence up. Be consistant and try it for 8 weeks minimum.