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my boxer pup (again)

19 15:47:36

hi! i'm lisa, i had written in to you before. i've been researching a bit and i'm beginning to think floyd (our pup) has hypothyroidism. i had written to you about him having a murmur, but the more i read, the other problems he's been having are leading me to think hypothyroidism. he has patches where his hair is either not as thick, or looks as though he's balding. he has bumps, which our vet told us once was pyoderma, but he wasn't properly treated for it since it hasn't gone away. his eyes have (for lack of a better term) "goop" coming out a lot. in the mornings it's white and there is a pretty massive amount, and throughout the day it looks more like he is crying. the fur under his eyes is wet and the liquid is clear. also around his eyes are extremely red. they look like they droop. he sleeps A LOT. for instance yesterday he slept from about 5-11, we took him out, and he slept until 9 this morning when we made him get up. and he hadnt done anything overly strenuous. he hasn't had though any serious weight gain... he sees our vet on the 17th. is this something i should bring to her attention? or would she notice it on her own? is it rude to ask the breeder if he was the runt? would that explain any of why he is (what feels to us like) always sick? what tests could/would they do to determine if it is that? since about a week after we got him we haven't had 1 whole entire day that something didn't seem a little off, and it's disheartening. we aren't worry warts, but i'm sure it seems like i am. i'm just frustrated because our vet doesn't seem to have the answers. when i told her about his skin issues before she told me it was nothing. i know it isn't nothing, i can see it get more and more inflamed. where his fur is white, you can see how RED his skin is, especially around his face... please, any insight would be greatly appreciated. thank you again!
-lisa wassel


Yes, make notes of all these things that you've told me in this, and give it to your vet and discuss them all.


His eyes have an infection.

Yes, he could have a thyroid problem.

He has mange.

He is legarthic due to these issues- and might have worms. Round worms, probably, but could be a tape worm even.

This is worrisome. Get him into the vet asap and let me know in a follow up. I am concerned about worms, eye infection, and the like.