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Expecting Puppies

19 15:54:27

We are expecing puppies any day. Are there any definite signs to look  for for when she is ready to have puppies? We have heard several scary stories about boxers giving birth, is there anything that we should be extremely cautious with? We ahve an awesome vet that is always ready to help, but we are a little nervous. This is our first litterand we just want everything to go well.

Hi! Congrats on your new litter. Dogs will usually lose their mucus plug about 24-48 hours before going into labor. About 24 hours before actual whelping, they'll nest....this means they'll dig a lot, can't get comfortable, and will pant constantly. She'll most likely not eat, or not eat much. She'll be nervous, and may pace. This stage can last up to 24 hours. If she has a colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, call your vet, the discharge may be brown, green, black, or bloody. (The mucus plug should be clearish, maybe even milky looking, and may be slightly streaked with blood.) Boxers can't really cut the cord themselves without causing injury to the pup because of the way their jaws are made. It's best to cut the cords yourself. Tie off the cord a few inches from the pup's belly, gently 'milk' the cord down towards the puppy before tieing it off. Use dull scissors, or your fingernails making a sawing motion, you never want to cut the cord clean. If mom is pushing or has contractions for longer than 15 minutes, get her to the vet. If she goes longer than three hours inbetween pups, call the vet. Boxers are known for c-sections, so if anything looks/feels off, get her to the vet. Keep those puppy toenails cut, and keep a really good eye on mom's milk, they tend to get Mastitis as well. Make sure you have bottles and puppy formula before the birth just i case. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know!