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4mth old boxer pup very thin.

19 15:41:57

Hi,we recently got given a 4mth old boxer pup that the man could not handle as he said she was boisterous.We have had 2 boxer's before but never came across this problem the pup will not seem to put on any weight and has dieorea sometimes and other times her poo is normal but with different coloured stools.We have given her a wormimg tablet from our vet but no worms?She is not been sick,just very thin,her back bone and hip bone,ribs stick out.The man we got her from said she has been vacinated but he will not hand over the card or the vet's phone number?She seem's quite happy and play's with our dobermann girl but is always hungery even though we feed her 4 times a day,Do you think we should get her re-vacinated or has she got an illness the vet told us to feed her small meals 4-5 times a day but she just does'nt seem to put weight on.Any suggestions would be greatful.thanks.

Hi Amanda,

Continue with the small meals 4-5 times a day, it could take four to six weeks to show any signs of improvement in weight gain. It sounds to me like hookworms so ask the vet to do a stool sample, this type of parasite often will not show up even though it is there so consult your vet on the appropriate de-worming schedule. I personally would never take anyone's word on the vaccinations and would get two more sets of shots spaced out over a four week period. I have had great results with rescues given them a vitamin supplement called Nu-Vet Plus you can find the ordering information on our website. Good luck and thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers