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Boxers and children

19 15:50:43

Hi Nicole,

I have two boys, one just had his first birthday and the other is just turning two.  My wife and I have been considering getting a white Boxer puppy, but have had friends and family tell us that the Boxer breed, especially a puppy is a poor choice in light of our sons ages.  In your experience have you found Boxers to be too dominant for young children, especially rambunctious 2 yr old's?  If not, is a puppy the best choice or should I consider an older dog?

Thanks for your help!


Hi Steve,'s sort of twofold, your question so I'll answer it in separate parts if that's ok :)

1.  Whoever told you a Boxer is the wrong breed for children is out of their mind.  :)  They are KNOWN to be one of the most child-friendly breeds that there is.  Be very careful taking advice from people that are offering baseless opinions...but I assume that's why you came to the allexpert site.  ;)

2.  I never recommend puppies for children under school age.  Studies have shown that children under 6 are mentally unable to understand how to properly behave around an animal and children under 8 are not ready for the responsibility of an animal (feeding, watering, exercising).

Puppies bite, toddlers play rough.  Many young dogs end up in rescue due to parents thinking their child needs to have a puppy.  Ask yourself WHY a puppy and WHY now?  You have at least one child in diapers...and two children who definitely need to be constantly supervised.  Add an untrained puppy into the mix and, IMO, you're asking for problems.

Children need to be taught how to respect animals.  At 1 (and perhaps 2 though he could be advanced for his age) there is no way you can explain things to him and have him understand (be nice to the puppy because you're hurting him, don't run because that's why he chases you), etc.  In the end, it's always the dogs fault.  :)

If you feel that your family would benefit a dog, and vice versa, go for an older animal that has been around children.  Do not adopt from a pound, shelter or any other organization that doesn't get backgrounds on their intakes.  If you apply with a rescue, you can specify that they only place a dog with you that is KNOWN to get along with, and be tolerant of, small children.  And remember...children means different things to different people.  A dog that has been raised with teenagers isn't going to be the same as a dog raised with very specific.

If it were me, personally, I'd wait at least 2 more years before bringing any animal into the house but again, that's just my personal feeling.