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Getting a second boxer puppy

19 15:57:15

I have a 7 month old female boxer puppy.  We want to get a second puppy - a
male.  What is the best age of the first dog for when you bring the second dog
in?  We'd like to get the second dog soon so they have the same energy levels.  
Any advice for when we do bring the second dog home?

I'm sorry that the answer didn't post, I answered your question the same day you asked it.

Sandy, this is a good time to get another Boxer puppy since your female is just 7 months old. They can still "grow up" together much like litter mates.

Be sure to supervise them together however, as female Boxers are more aggressive than the male, and she has already established her "alpha" position in the family structure. You don't want her aggression and/or dominance to harm the new puppy.

Always share your time, love and attention equally between the two, as she can become jealous then aggressive toward the new puppy.

I think this is an excellent time, usually between 4 months and 1 year old is good.

As in any "alpha" situation, the first Boxer, there is an order of things in the pack, so even the new Boxer puppy will become the alpha when old enough.

Introduce them with care and supervision, and don't keep the new pup with the first, older one until a few months have passed and the relationship is well established.

Have fun and good luck.