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boxer with other dogs?

19 15:58:37

Hi I am interested in getting a female boxer(would be spayed) next year I was wondering
do they do well in small homes?(I do have a very large yard)

Do they require more exercise then a labrador retreiver or the same I walk my lab 10 minutes each morning and let her out until she starts to bark several times a day

Are boxers harder to handle then labs? my lab has wonderful gaurd and watch dog insincts but I love the look of the boxer(looks like a big boston terrier with less flat muzzle)  I dont want adog thats going to try shred people we pss by during our walks or anything to that extreme.

And do they like other dogs? big and small? what about kids my neices visit often and they are only 3 and 2 years old.


A lab requires more exercise than a 10 minute walk a day and a Boxer definitely does.  A healthy Boxer should be walked for 30-40 minutes twice a should a labrador.  Many people mistakenly think that playing in the yard is exercise (and it is physically) however, it doesn't stimulate the mind like a walk.  Playing in the yard should not be counted into your dog's exercise requirements.  

Any dog will do well in a small home if its needs are met.

I don't know what you mean by 'harder to handle'.  Boxers are a very strong dog.  They're also similar to a puppy, mentally, for 3 - 4 years...they remain a bit hyper and goofy.  They're a breed that is very slow to mature.  Any breed of dog can be aggressive, socialization and obedience training will curb this as will buying from a reputable breeder that breeds for temperament as well as standard.

People often think that Boxers are a guard dog.  There are many Boxers that would open the door, walk the burglar to the TV, help him carry it out and buy him dinner when he was done.  I think you get what I mean.  Don't expect her to guard.  She may, she may not.  Chances are she won't.

Boxers, as a whole, like other dogs, yes.  Because you have a female, I wouldn't buy/rescue another.  A male/female pairing is best.  After that...male/male.  A female/female pairing is the last recommended and should be avoided if you're inexperienced with a multiple dog household.

Again, socialization plays a huge factor.  If you socialize the dog every day, teach it manners and how you expect it to act, you should have no problem.

Boxers do generally like children and are thought to be one of the best breeds to have with kids.  Your Boxer would have to be taught how to behave around children and that would be up to you.  The children would also need to be taught how to behave around and how to respect the animal.