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12 year old female stopped eating

19 15:49:38

I have a 12 year old female boxer who stopped eating about 3 days ago. She's had 2 seizures within a 2 month period and then had 3 in one day. That's when she really started going down hill. I'm thinking it's old age. She was still wagging her tail and acting normal up until Sunday. She's urinating fine but hasn't had a bowel movement for a day & 1/2. I don't want to put her down if she is happy being at home. But would feel bad if she was suffering, I can never tell because she doesn't complain about anything. Please give me some advice we love our old girl. Thanks

Not having a bowel movement isn't surprising if she's not eating, but I would definitely get her to the vet, if you haven't already.  There could be many things going on, from something as simple as a transient 'bug' to something more serious, like cancer.  Without more information it's hard to be specific; a vet will check her temperature, run a blood test, possibly do x-rays, and get a better picture of what might be going on.

Good luck!