Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > Whining


19 15:42:38

We have a 15 month old female boxer.  She has a great personality, relatively calm and well trained.  We give her an adequate amount of attention each day (walks, affection, etc.) but also have clear boundaries.  She doesn't sleep in our bed and is not allowed on the furniture, what I'm trying to say is she isn't spoiled.  Sometimes she will sit and stare at us and whine.  It's not a cry but more like a really long whine.  It's actually pretty funny but we aren't sure why she does this.  She always has plenty of food and water so we know it's not because of that and it's not because she needs to go to the bathroom.  When she does do it we make sure not to respond by giving her affection because we don't want to reward her when she behaves that way.  At times she can go on for minutes even if we are ignoring her.  Is that typical boxer behavior, is she just extra quirky or needy?

Yes, some Boxers do this- it is her trying to verbalize to you- some are more vocal about it - others whine to let you know something.

If she has fresh water and food available (I recommend the self-feed method of food available 24/7) and she has just gone outside-- then it is something else she is wanting or needing.

Attention- love, playing- petting, etc.

Try sitting on the floor by her for a few minutes and paying one-on-one attention to her for a moment- and see if she stops.

Have toys available to her- try storing new toys and bring one out to give her-- rotate toys if possible: take one and store it, and later bring it out- it will be brand new to her.

If you are financially able, and can offer a home to another Boxer- you might consider getting a male if she is spayed.

Boxers are sociable and get lonely, and two are perfect together.

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