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Potential bump on my Boxers back.

19 15:42:38

I have a 6 year old frmale boxer named Zoey.  I think I could be over-analyzing this but here goes.  Towards her lower back, I noticed it was a little raised.  There is no bump per se, but the width of her lower back is a little raised.  Could it be just muscle? It doesn't her or bother her to the touch and there are no behavior and eating habit changes.  Thanks!

Boxers are prone to mass cell tumors and most the time, it is more located toward the back and rear.

If it enlarges- take her to the vet. The vet will aspirate it and check it for cells- if it is suspicious- they will send off to a special lab for analyzing to make sure it is not cancer or malignant- hopefully benign.