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3 Year old boxer with hip pain!

19 15:41:02

Hi... I have a three year old boxer who was in awesome shape, very active and loving.. He ran off one day and came back with a hurt front paw. He went to the vet, got pain meds, seems it was a small chipped bone. His front leg seems to be fine now, this happened almost 4 weeks ago. Earlier this week, he started to shows signs that his hips or back legs were hurting him. He has trouble sitting down and standing up. At times he seems fine but he is not. His back portion looks very odd to me, like he is slump.. i am so scared for my dog. When i put pressure on his hip tho it doesnt seem to bother him, he just stands there!! Please tell me something positive.. Thank you so much!

It is possible he was hit by a car and he vet did not X-ray his body for broke or fractured bones.

He could have hip dysplasia and was injured.

I recommend take him back to your vet and talk with him or her about it and have him X-rayed.  

Also, hip dysplasia usually shows up in older dogs 5+ however, it is not uncommon at earlier ages. The running away and possible being hit by a car could have injured an already dysplasia and now has promoted the progression.

I can tell by the picture you attached that his posture appears as though the hips are in crisis.