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arthritis in a 3 year old male Boxer?

19 15:50:56

We are caring for a 3 year old male Boxer for several months. He has ALWAYS, even as a pup, walked around like an "old man", very stiff. The past 2 days he had had a lot of pain in his front paw but after moving it around a bit, it seems ok. I have small kids and worry about him with them while in pain. After reading around the internet, I am thinking he has serious joint problems and maybe we should concider putting him down. Money is a big issue with both his and our families. What else should I do?

Hi. There could be a few different things going on with hin, but they will require a vet to have a look. If neither of you can afford this guy's care, then i suggest getting hold of a Boxer rescue near you and see if they would be willing to take this boy in to give him the health care that he needs. I would do that before putting him to sleep, he's really young and the issues he has may not be serious enough to interfer with his quality of life, or it may be something that can be helped. This is my best suggestion. if you want, I can help find a Boxer rescue.