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White Boxer Mumur Question

19 15:50:55

I have two boxers and I am in the process of buying a white boxer that is 8 weeks old.  The breeder said the puppy has a 2/6 heart mumur.  I have called several vets and inquired about adding this puppy to my family.  Unfortunantely the responses have been very negative.  I have researched this and have come to the conclusion that I would rather have her than her put down.  What is your thoughts - i am hoping that this mumur is corrected when she gets a little older.


Hi Michelle,

I'm not sure why she would be put down or why the responses you've been getting are negative.

Murmurs are graded 0-6...0 being no murmur and 6 being the most serious.  Boxers graded at 1/6 and 2/6 are unlikely to develop any future problems...that's not to say it's impossible but these puppies are generally considered mild cases.  

There is also a chance that she can outgrow the murmur.  A vet should have explained all of this to you and advised you that the course of action would be to monitor her over the next several months.

What I would find out, however, before making a final decision, is what the parents' heart scores were.  This should give you a good indication of future possibilities with this puppy.