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My Boxer-Sniffer

19 15:45:42

Hi Angela,
Sniffer is 10 months old and we adopted him from a friend of ours so there's no way to check his parents history.We live in an apartment in India-Bombay.Sniffer has tick trouble.Whats the best thing to do?He hasnt shown ne health problems but I would want to know a few thngs we need to make sure the vet should check everytime we take him.Also I have been reading a lot & have noticed fish can be included in diet pls confirm.what elergies can we confront?We prefer home meals what are the options avlable considering the fact that they can have health problems.Thats all for now.Also we have a grandmother 1 child 4yrs old and us.

Hi Rashmi,

Here is the link to proper tick removal ,
for health issues facing boxers please see ,
Yes you can add fish to a dog's diet, see this information for foods not appropriate for dogs  and be sure and add a daily vitamin if feeding homemade diets as the diet may not be nutritionally complete, for allergies here is great information , I hope all this information will answer all your questions. Thank you for your questions and have a great day!

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant