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8 week out brindel female

19 15:45:24

She is tiny not even 3 lbs and is 8 weeks I was wondering what should I be feeding her to get her weight up and its seems like she has been having lots and lots of runny poop thanks

At 8 weeks, she should still be with her mother and litter. That is too soon to separate.

She needs this diet:

In blender, mix (not froth):

1 can (12oz.) evaporated milk (not condensed milk)

1 cup whole, plain yogurt (not flavored, and store generic okay)

1 raw egg

1/2 (or 1/4) teaspoon clear syrup (like Kayro syrup, but store generic okay)

Blend and pour into containers or pitcher that is sealed. Add 6 ounces distilled or baby water to the pitcher and stir. Seal and store in the refrigerator.

Take a natural high protein puppy food and put some into a bowl (I always make 3 bowls) and add bottled distilled water or the above formula to the dry puppy food and seal up and allow it to "soak."

Once one bowl is soaked you can mash with fork and a spoon to make a nice "mashed potato" consistency.

Serve to the pup at a room temperature or warmed in microwave: in other words, not cold from the refrigerator.

This is called "puppy mash."

You can feed the pup every 2 hours, and a bowl of warmed up formula listed above.

This baby will need her puppy mash and formula every 2-3 hours.

She will absolutely thrive on it. I have had this formula approved by 3 vets and raised a second litter on it. Their mom did not produce enough milk for the litter.

All the pups were fat butterballs and healthy and were also bottled fed at birth too.

You will see a difference in her within a week if you feed her this 2-3 hours.