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bumps on my boxer

19 15:40:40

thank you for responding to my question quickly...I have attached a picture of the bumps as they are right mow in the last few mins....I am still kinda ify about what it is seems that the benydril is working but some of the bumps are getting bigger from the size of a dime to the size of an baby's hand.
as to you question no there has not been any change to her physical environment or food, just the change of season from summer to fall, which I am told can be a cause...? We were at home all day that day and other then going outside to go to the wash-room see was inside due to the rain. just before bed a 4am I put out both of the dogs  to use the wash-room and let them get some fresh air for about 15 min. Brought them in and went to bed. Got up around 9am and she was covered from the neck down on her sides and the sides of her legs and some on her front legs just a few on her belly. thanks


Yes, it is allergies.

Since you've said that her food and environment has not changed, I would have to say it is seasonal environmental allergies.

Some weeds and all that is in your area that becomes active in fall is causing it.

Talk with your vet about daily Benadryl dosage versus prescribed medication.

Benadryl is not a good treatment plan for a long-term allergy. It has side-effects such as drowsiness (or more) and has a tendency to become ineffective in long-term use.

Allergy medication prescribed by your vet will be your best choice. If you do not seek a vet's help, her scratching will definitely cause a secondary infection such as staphylococcus and can spread into her lymph nodes into her blood stream and become life-threatening; and cost you much more money treating an infection and saving her life opposed to paying for prescribed allergy medicine.

Take her to your vet, please. There is not a home remedy for allergies.