Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > labor


19 15:56:39


Hi I have a four year old boxer having her second litter.I researched the male
dog I want checking breeding and possible health issues. To make a long
story short!! My husband went to do the first breeding. When he came home
he mentioned that the dog was a lot bigger than ours.He ended up being
80lbs.Bailey has started labor and I am know concerned with the size of the
stud.Should I expect more delivery problems,or will mother nature take care
of the size?

An x-ray or sonar gram was needed a long time ago to determine size.

Too late now.

All you can do is be with her and help her. If the first pup doesn't present itself in 12 hours of signs of labor, get her to the vet.

Keep the vet's number handy and be prepared to take her.

Preparation should have been made a month ago. All the whelping supplies and emergency things.

Size matters sometimes, but 50 lb females can have 4-6 puppies by an
80 lb male. Most the time it is fine as those are average weights.