Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > 5yr old boxer destructive

5yr old boxer destructive

19 15:40:00

I have a female 5yr old boxer called shadow who has started being really destructive she is always chewing everything in her sight. She has toys t play with and also another dog for company . She also licks doors what can I do I'm at my wits end with her now.

You have not provided enough history leading up to the behavior in order to determine the change.

Move? Addition to family? Someone move in or out? Job change? Routine change? A new dog in the family? Something different prior to her chewing and licking? Anything........

When did this start? What happened at the time this began? How long between destructive and chewing to licking doors?

Do you crate her? Are you gone long periods of time?

I need a complete history.