Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > deaf white boxers

deaf white boxers

19 15:50:48

U was given a female boxer 5 weeks ago. I knew she was deaf and I could never breed her and that's just fine with me. She is soo my baby. I have taught her to sit and come, that's all it's been fun teaching her we play then train. I am soo trying to crate train her and it is not working she SCREAMS to be let out even when I cover her crate I'm putting treats in and I'm lost. It doesn't bother me when she cries but uky does my kids and sometimes my husband. I'm a stay @ home mom and I put Her in in the day and I am not making any progress. HELP. I'm tickled pink with her I never knew I could love a doggie so much. Her and our woodle have a blast together. Thanks

The reason the crate training is not going well is because she is deaf.

She is feeling confused and insecure.

Imagine yourself being deaf and locked inside a small, cramped cage. The only senses you have being deaf, is sight, smell, and feel. She feels vibrations just as a deaf person "listens" to music by the feel of the rhythm and beat that vibrates through the floor and their body.

You are restricting her senses.

If you must crate train her, then you must do it gradually.

Put her in the crate for 5 minutes with her comfort toys. Use sign language to tell her you will be back soon.

Get out of her sight and sense of smell for the 5 minutes, then return and let her out. Praise her, love her, and give her a treat.

Do this once or twice a day and increase the time by 2 minutes after a few days.

You need to learn sign language that was developed for owners of deaf dogs.

This is training that must be done.

Sit on the floor in front of her for some training. This is on her level and she will look directly at you. Other signing is standing. But you must get her attention to "see" you.

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(about white Boxers)


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