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coming in heat

19 15:45:41

Our family pet, Joy, who we got as a 7 wk puppy came in heat last spring and we thought she should come in heat again in Dec., but so far she hasn't. Is this normal? So far it's been 8 mo. since the last time she came in heat. She is a very healthy, beautiful dog as far as we can tell. Our children would really like to breed her and have puppies to play with. Thanks for your time, Shannon

Females heat cycle is generally once every 5-6 months: twice a year.

If she has gone 8 months without a heat, she could possibly have a thyroid disorder. Have your vet draw blood (they draw it from the artery in the neck) and test it for thyroid. Simple pills a day can fix that. If she does, ask your vet about the brand Pala-Tech chewables. My dogs love them and think they are treats, and you can order them Online cheap, if your vet approves Online prescriptions. Other brands of thyroid meds cost more.

Thyroid conditions interfere with cycles and pregnancy as well as carry to full term. This is true with people as well. She might never get pregnant, and if she does, might not gestate full term without proper medication.

Also, you didn't mention her current age. I recommend NOT breeding until she is 2 years old. And no older than 4 years old max. I also recommend no more than 2 litters max, but prefer only 1 litter per dog. It is very taxing on them physically and even emotionally.