Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > Aggression or fear?

Aggression or fear?

19 15:57:38

We have recently adopted a 2yr old female boxer rescue dog, who has spent her life in a back yard with her brother! We wanted to start socializing her with other family member pets as quickly as possible, but she has attacked the two dogs we have introduced her to so far. Each time, we have met on neutral territory and they have appeared fine. On the others territory, they appeared to play together o.k, but then when we stopped for a break, and I rewarded both for good behavior, she attacked the other dog. (collie and westie cross)
We wanted to give a rescue dog a home, and she is ideal in every other way, but this behavior is not acceptable.
What am I doing wrong? - please help!


This is a real toughy and heart breaker.

She is already 2 years old and knows no other dog except her brother and never obviously socialized, being kept in a yard. This is an outrageous thing for someone to do to any dog, but especially a Boxer.

She is an alpha dog. Nothing will ever change that. She instinctively will attack smaller dogs as well. She can kill. Be cautious.

She will constantly vie for your affection and attention being starved of it, and not share you with the other dogs. This is what's going on.

The treats are another thing. She wants the treats, probably from never receiving treats before, and will scrap to take other dog's treats too.

She does not understand that she doesn't have to defend herself, or be aggressive to get your love and attention and treats, and doesn't realize there's enough to go around and to share.

The first step is to put her on a leash. Get her used to the leash. Make it a part of her for awhile. When you introduce them all together to socialize, you maintain her on the leash. WHEN she attacks (tries to, as you have her on a leash)... yank the leash back, holding her back, call her by name, tell her a firm, loud, "whateverhernameis-no-bad-whateverhernameis" and if necessary, grab her mussel and shake it telling her "no-bad"...

When she stops, get her to sit (you must teach her to sit and stay basics!) and to calm down--- no barking, no growling, etc. Stop the socializing then. WSpend undevoted time with her, love her, talk to her, comfort her, assure her, and wait for fifteen minutes.

Try the socializing again, with her on a leash.

Use the leash method for at least two months before trying it without the leash.

You must show her YOU ARE THE ALPHA-- NOT HER!