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14 month old Boxer

19 15:40:35

Hi, I have a 14 month old white boxer and she looks like we are starving her.  She eats 3 times a day and always has fresh water.  I was afraid that I wasn't feeding her enough so I started adding more each time a day, which greatly exceeds what the vet told me to feed her.  I know that white boxer's are more prone to health problems and the vet isn't really giving me any answers.  I hope you can help me!  Thanks!

Try self-feeding. Have fresh food & water available for her at all times and monitor her. Some Boxers won't eat much during the day but eat more at night.

Get another vet.

She should have her thyroid checked. If she has a thyroid disorder, it causes weight problems- the skinny or fat side.

Another vet is warranted.