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My 2 year old Boxer loved to lean

19 15:56:45

Hi! I recently adopted a 2yr 8mo old male Boxer and he loves to lean on me. When I'm sitting on the couch, he will lean on me, if I'm standing up washing the dishes, he will lean on me and not only that, he follows me from room to room. Even if he's dead sleep, he will wake up and follow me to wherever I go in the house. Why is this? Is he just being loveable and affectionate or just being a my big baby? I love him so much, help just want to understand him.

Hi Nikko,

You're experiencing the infamous 'Boxer lean' lol!  A higher than average amount of the Boxer breed performs this maneuver...fine tuned for attention getting.  ;)

It's possible that you're giving him more attention that he was previously used to or that he was rewarded for this behavior from his previous can be a result of either, really.

It's always a good idea to make a clingy dog more independent in order to prevent separation anxiety.  While we humans love this type of attention from our pets, it's normally the sign of an insecure dog rather than a showing of love and affection.

If he leans on you when you're sitting, stand up and put him in a sit.  Reward the behavior.

If he leans on you when you're standing, tell him 'back' and walk into him (gently) until he backs up.  Put him in a sit and reward.  Practice the 'back' command throughout the day.  Walk towards him and slightly into him (if he doesn't move) using your hand in a pushing motion (in the air) or a sweeping motion.  Eventually, you won't have to walk into him at all, you'll be able to just use the command.

Always reward desired behavior, even if you don't ask for it.

The NILF method of dog training (google NILF) is a great confidence builder as well.  Obedience training, trick teaching, games of find it...anything that works the mind is a good way to go with him.

If you need more help please let me know.