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Just adopted 6 week old male boxer pup

19 15:53:56

Hi all, my husband and I just adopted a 6 week old male boxer puppy. I have been doing some reading online and am seeing mixed opinions on boxers and cats and other dogs of the same sex. Some have said that with a boxer and another dog of the same sex in the house it can cause issues? And if they are in the house with a dog bigger than them it can cause issues? Also that they have issues with cats because of their prey instinct?
We have three cats, one is a four month old kitten.
We also have two other dogs. Pepper a 2 1/2 year old black lab, very energetic. Also Chewy a 4 and half year old male Pekingese. Likes to be the man of the house. He is 25-30lbs. Is this a potential problem? Do I have something to be concerned about? If someone could answer my question I would really appreciate it. I don't want to wait for something horrible to happen. I would be devastated if I lost any of my cats or my other dogs because of a new animal I brought into the house.

Since the puppy is only 6 weeks old, he is being raised with the other pets in the house and they are bonding as playmates and "siblings."

There won't be any issues except for when the pup gets older and bigger, playing rougher than maybe the Pekingese. The cats can take care of themselves.

Teach the pup to play "easy" and begin now.

Boxers have no more a "prey" instinct than any other breed.

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