Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > potty!


19 15:49:16

My husband and I just got a male boxer puppy that is 3 1/2 months old. He is 100% crate trained and will wake me up at the same time every night (4:30 am) to go outside. The problem is, in the evening when he is out of the crate and we are up playing with him, he has accidents in the house. Not just one or 2, yesterday he had 5! If he knows to wake me up at 4:30, how do I get him to tell me he has to go out in the evening? My husband I take him out several times in the evening, and he also gets to play in the yard in the evenings. Thanks!

Hi. I would have him checked by the vet to make sure he doesn't have a uti, or something else going on. Remember though, he is still a baby and it will take him some time to fully master this. Feed him at regular time, no food after say 6 no water after 8 unless he had been outside playing. Take him outside every 30 minutes, tell him to potty and praise him well when he does his job. Don't play with him until he does his buisness. He will get the hint really quick, but he is still very young yet. If you see him with his nose to the carpet, take him straight outside. If he's circling, take him out. You can buy stuff at pet stores or Wal-Mart that gets rid of dog messes, I would use it. Good luck!