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vaginal discharge

19 15:56:20

I have a 3 yr old female boxer. She recently finished her heat cycle. At the end of it i noticed twice a greenish discharge. Its been a week and a half since then and now her nipples are swollen. There is a dog in the neighborhood that is always loose an keeps jumping our fence. Tried to only put her out when necessary to avoid pregnancy. Should i be thinking pregnancy? The green discharge is throwing me off. Or should i be thinking infection? She is acting pretty normal in health.

Hi Amanda. The green discharge has me worried, and I would suggest taking her to the vet to figure out what it is. It may be a simple infection that can be cleared up. As for pregnancy, there's an old saying: when a dog goes into heat, lock her in the house, board the windows and doors, and expect a litter in 63 days. :-) If you have a roaming male around, then there's always that possibility of pregnancy. Dogs also have what's called a false pregnancy, complicating things even more. I'd take her to the vet to find out what the discharge is about, and you'll just have to wait to see if she's pregnant or not. If there's anything else I can help with, let me know!