Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > biteing


19 15:55:52

my boxer is 4 months old hes very loving but will not stop biting our hands. we've tried everything the vet told us to do but he just takes no notice.

4 months old is young- and mom taught him how to be a "big, bad Boxer boy"...

He has learned to be tough- yet he is playing. Boxers play that way and rough. Two Boxers will lock and bite each other's mouths and things such as that- so he is playing.

Now, to stop him from playing so rough at such a young age (think of him as a 1 year old baby) will be difficult to make him understand but not to break his spirit...

Every time he does the bite play, GENTLY grab and hold his mouth closed (I said GENTLY) and tell him, "No-- no biting!" in a stern voice but not a mad voice.

Repeat this each and every time consistently- as consistency is the key coupled with the command/reprimand and voice tone.

Then when he stops and you continue to play, be sure to play and love so he knows you are not mad at him- it will break his personality and spirit if he thinks playing is bad and displeases you- which you DO NOT want.

Within 2-3 weeks you should see a markable improvement-- but please do KEEP IN MIND he is a tiny baby just as our little 1 year old babies are and does not understand much.

He is simply at the age of sight, smell, feel and sound ASSOCIATION in his learning stages-- so the seeing you hold his mouth, smelling your touch, feeling you holding his mouth and hearing your verbal reprimand is associated with the act of biting AT THAT IMMEDIATE MOMENT IN TIME.

No different than our own babies...

I hope this helps and come back to me in 3 weeks and let me know please.