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infected split toenail/toe

19 15:57:53

hi, my name is George & first off i would like to say how much i appreciate this because I'm unemployed right now and cant afford to take my dog to the vets again. i just took him there a couple weeks ago due to his bleeding ears from apparently frostbite (i used to take him for long walks to let him get out his energy, i live in Maine). hes an American staffordshire terrior(similar to the pitbull) two years of age.
 so my question is this- somehow he split his "thumb"-the one on top, aside from the other four- toenail on his right front paw and has been licking it for the past week or so. it didn't seem to be bad and i just figured id leave it alone because i didn't realize it would turn into a problem or how severe it was. its mostly raw on the bottom and has nail on the top. it looks like theres some nail trying to grow back on the bottom or maybe that part didn't fall off. also its red and swollen, its a little warmer then the opposing "thumb" also. so what should i do? i have like one weeks supply of antibiotic pills left from the vet. i also have some kind of pink liquid soap that he gave me to scrub his scabs on his ears with.  
 i was thinking maybe apply hydrogen peroxide with cotton balls or rubbing alcohol to his toe then put triple antibiotic ointment on the infected area, then use ace bandage to wrap it up so he doesn't lick it off. all the while using pills that i have left. and maybe get some a another weeks supply or so if it still looks red. ohh ya, and i would redress his paw everyday until it gets better doing the same procedure as above except letting his toe get an hour or two of air to breath a day.
 so i would appreciate your expert advice on how to care for my dog. hes the biggest sweetheart and is very loving and kind. he can still walk on his feet no problem (maybe because its not touching the ground)and it doesn't seem to bother him all the time, but i know it hurts/annoys him and he doesn't deserve that. thank you very much for reading my long "essay" but i wanted it to be detailed so maybe you could help better.
             thank you very much
               George Oliver and buddy(the pure white love bug)

Hi George,

If you would have found this site when this happened, I would have been happy to give you advice on what to do for a simple split nail.

At this point, he needs medical attention.  You should put some real effort into finding low cost veterinary care in your area or he goes to the vet...he needs to be seen.

I understand not having money to go to the vet a million times a year, however, if that's the case, you need to be hyper-vigilant about getting to things when they happen.

Good luck to you and I'm sorry I can't help you further.