Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > white boxer w/ brown ear

white boxer w/ brown ear

19 15:48:38

I am interested in a white boxer with a brown ear but have heard a lot of things about white boxers being blind and deaf. Does this typically happen in dogs that are all white and have the pinkish eyes or is it also typical in mostly white dogs even w/ a marking? The people that have her for sale said she can see just fine and seems to react to the husband clapping as well.

Hi. It's true that white Boxers can be deaf. It's usually the dogs that don't have any pigment inside their ears. You can ask these people if you can take the dog to a vet for a check up before you buy her. A test to do is this: stand behind her where she can see you. Clap loudly or bang a pan and see how she reacts. Deaf dogs can lead normal lives, and many people don't even realize their dogs are deaf until there is a loud noise and the dog doesn't respond. If you like this dog, I wouldn't not get her just because she's deaf. There would be concern though if you have small children. Anyway, I would ask these people to let you take her to the vet before you bought her if it would make you feel better. Or ask to speak to her vet. This way, you'll know exactly what's going on with the dog before you buy her. Good luck!